Author Guidelines

Submission types: DuJAL mostly publishes full-fledged papers that generally present novel data on research questions or hypotheses that are embedded in an extensive theoretical framework; however, shorter manuscripts (e.g., research notes) are also welcome. An article may also consist of a thorough review of the literature (e.g. a systematic review or meta-analysis), which summarizes existing work and generates avenues for future research. DuJAL also particularly encourages submissions that contain replications. Shorter papers which aim to advance new ideas or perspectives in theory or methodology, or to provide novel extensions or replications of previously published studies are also welcome. 

Submission: Manuscripts should be submitted through the journal’s online submission and manuscript tracking site. Carefully review our Manuscript Guidelines before submitting.

Articles: Research articles may be 7000 words in length, excluding abstract and references. List all contributors.

Conference posters: Poster report submissions need to fulfill the following requirements:

  • The poster has been presented at a scientific meeting. We only accept submissions for posters that have been accepted for poster presentations at pre-specified meetings. That is: we do not accept poster submissions unless an arrangement has been made between the editors and the organizing committee of the conference or meeting. Name and location of the meeting, and the date of presentation needs to be supplied. If possible, please supply a stable URL to information about the meeting.
  • The poster reflects original work of the author(s).
  • The poster needs to be the same as presented at the original meeting. The only acceptable alterations are small corrections regarding grammar or spelling.
  • The title, author(s), and order of authors of the poster report are the same as stated on the original poster.
  • The submission needs to contain the poster and be accompanied by a text of maximally 800 words (not including references) detailing the poster and following the original poster presentation. If the author has published a paper involving the work in the poster, the text should cite that paper. The poster should be one page only, in portrait or landscape format.
  • The poster should not contain any copyrighted material, e.g. pictures.

Research notes: Research notes may be 3000 words in lengtj, excluding abstract and references. The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.

Languages: Contributions must be in Dutch or English. English spelling should be either American English or British English and should be consistent throughout the paper. Prior to submission, papers are expected to have been checked on spelling, grammar, and word use. Authors may provide an additional abstract in any language if the study is relevant for speakers of that language.

Number of words: Research articles can be of any length up to 7000 words. This does not include references and abstracts. More words may be allowed in exceptional cases, but authors should always seek permission prior to submission.

Authorship: DuJAL requires that all those listed as authors made a substantial contribution to the article submitted and that no-one who made a substantial contribution is omitted as author (e.g. in work that is (partly) based on student graduate work, we expect these students to be included as co-authors). Authors must be human and must have full intellectual ownership of the manuscript they submit and must take full responsibility for its contents. DuJAL requires the inclusion of author contributions and acknowledgements in the published manuscript on the basis of the Contributor Role Taxonomy (CRediT) taxonomy (Brand et al. 2015). More information can be found here. Manuscripts that are submitted should be approved by all authors. 

AI-based technology and authorship: All authors must be human. The use of AI-based generative technology is allowed, but only as a helping tool. The use of such technologies needs to be stipulated honestly and transparently upon acceptance in a Statement of Technology Use, and be explained in a justification section. More information about how to report the use of technologies can be found here.