Manuscript Guidelines

Please review our Author Guidelines here before preparing your manuscript for submission. First time submissions must adhere to the following standards:

A) Manuscripts are submitted in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format, using Times New Roman font, double-spaced with 3 cm/1 inch margins. Colours can only be used for figures, tables and images. 

B) The title page should be blinded and include the title of the article; a self-contained abstract in English (100-150 words), and five to ten keywords. 

C) A seperate unblinded title page should be submitted, also containing: a) the list of authors; b) all author affiliations; c) the email-address of the corresponding author; d) author contributions (according to CRediT taxonomy; directions can be found here); e) a statement of technology use (directions can be found here); f) acknowledgements (optional); g) funding information; h) a statement about any competing interests; i) a list of supporting information, such accompanying appendices, instruments, datasets, preregistrations, supplementary analyses, etc.

C) Manuscripts should be prepared according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition, in terms of paper structure, referencing and lay-out.

D) Abstract and keywords should be in English. Dutch submissions should also always contain a Dutch abstract and keywords. A second abstract in another language may be provided if the study is relevant for speakers of that language.

E) Manuscripts should be reasonably divided into sections and, if appropriate, in subsections. The headings of these subsections should be numbered in Arabic numerals (1.; 1.1.; 1.1.1.).

F) Line drawings (FIGURES) should be submitted as reproducible originals. They should be numbered consecutively, and appropriate captions should be provided. Figures should be referred to in the main text. Keep in mind that figures are not part of the running text. They will always be positioned at the beginning of a page, which means that they may not immediately precede or follow your text. Figures should have a minimal quality of 150 dpi at 13 cm, and should be inserted in the text (unless their size does not permit so). If a paper is accepted, figures should additionally be submitted as separate documents (.jpg, .tif, .pgn or .pdf, minimal quality 13cm, 150 dpi).

G) TABLES should be numbered consecutively and should be referred to in the main text. Keep in mind that tables aare not part of the running text. They will always be positioned at the beginning of a page, which means that they may not immediately precede or follow your text. Tables should not be submitted as separate documents, but should be inserted in the main text for both initial and final submission, unless their size does not permit so.

H) NOTES should appear as FOOTNOTES and should be concise, kept to a minimum, and numbered consecutively throughout the paper. 

I) Justification of technology use; Here, you should clearly explain how generative AI-based technologies were used for the research you report on or for the production of the manuscript itself. This should be stipulated according to a specified format (details can be found here).

I) REFERENCES in the text should be formatted according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition. URLs for the references should be provided where possible.

Supporting information: Supporting information, such as preregistration links, data instruments, data sets, etc. are preferably supplied upon first submission in anonymous form.

Blinding: All articles published in DuJAL are subject to double-blind peer review. For this reason, all submissions and resubmissions should be anonymized and blinded. This includes removing meta-data from submitted documents that may make the authors identifiable (in Word, via File, Info, Inspect document). Also make sure that the files to be uploaded don't convey author information. Authors should substitute references to their own work by Author (XXXX), both in text and in the references list. In some cases, authors may also choose to refer to their own work in third person, as if referring to someone else’s work, or use a combination of both methods in one and the same manuscript. The use of third person referencing is particularly relevant for situations when reviewers would need access to the referenced study to properly evaluate the manuscript, for example because the study is a (partial) replication. The method and mix chosen should minimize chances of identification. References to locations and institutions that may reveal the authors (e.g. approval by an Ethical Committee) should also be anonymized (e.g. ‘the study was approved by the Ethical Committee at [institute]’)

Observing copyright laws: Authors are fully responsible for observing copyright laws when quoting or reproducing material. Texts, figures, tables and images need to be original, or an explicit statement needs to be provided that authors are permitted to include them in the manuscript.

Final submissions: After acceptance, authors will be asked to submit final submissions. At this stage, the following information should be added to the title page:

A) the list of authors

B) author affiliations

C) the email-address of the corresponding author

D) author contributions (according to CRediT taxonomy; directions can be found here)

E) statement of technology use (directions can be found here)

F) acknowledgements (optional)

G) funding information

H) a statement about any competing interests.

I) a list of supporting information, such accompanying appendices, instruments, datasets, preregistrations, supplementary analyses, etc.

Proofs: Authors will receive a PDF file with page proofs for final correction. These must be returned with corrections by the dates determined by the publication schedule. At this stage, only very minor, typographical revisions to the text and references are accepted.

Inquiries: All inquiries should be directed towards the editor by e-mailing the Editor-in-Chief: Sible Andringa, Email: